(First time reading this 'Desert Daze' story? Scroll down to 'Older Posts' to start with Part One)
Well, there really shouldn’t be a ‘versus’ in the title, both places are equally spectacular and feature some of the same red, pink and orange rock formations. But in terms of visitation, and despite being only about ten miles apart, they may as well be a million miles away from each other. Bryce’s National Park status and easy access make it a favorite of the tourist crowd, often scurrying right through Red Canyon to get there.
A mistake, in my opinion. I’ve been to Bryce several times before, done the tourist thing - visited all the overlooks and taken several of the recommended hikes. But, because of its popularity, it doesn’t have any feeling of wilderness or solitude, it’s got that ‘Disney-esque’ atmosphere that many of the National Parks have. So this time around, I choose Red Canyon. Although its access is right off the main highway, the minute I hike beyond the sight and sounds of the road, I am in pure solitude; I spot not another single person the rest of the day.

Next: The Torrential Rains of Death Valley