I guess by now regular readers of my blog know that I seek out unusual conditions and places that have the potential for capturing unique and exciting photography. Sometimes, by their very nature, these conditions or places lead to increased chances of bodily harm; that is, sometimes the risk factor goes up with the corresponding increased potential for interesting photography; I would soon find out that that would be the case today.

I look outside; sure enough, a layer of snow has blanketed the trees and ground. With the temperature hovering around freezing and the forecast calling for a gradual warm-up, I know these conditions won’t last long so I decide to hedge my bets; I head south to higher elevations, to Allegany State Park where the temperature should be a few degrees colder and these promising conditions may last a bit longer.
Fortunately, the roads are still warm and the snow is not sticking to them so I make good time. I head up the winding, twisting north entrance road into the park just as dawn’s early light begins to reveal the towering forest on both sides of me. This road tops out at about 1,000 feet higher in elevation than back home and the closer I get to the top the deeper the snow gets; slipping and sliding now in the icy slush, I switch into four-wheel drive.

Next: Danger Dave Somehow Manages to Find Yet More Danger (Danger Dave Part 2)
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